Monday, November 3, 2008

Senegal...first week photos!!

Sitting on the back porch of our villa!

Flowers here are so beautiful!

This was our 'goodbye villa' party...note the classy table and table cloth!

In Senegal people dance Mbalax...for lack of knowledge of a traditional Canadian dance I taught our new friends my friend Maxime's finger wagging dance...I guess I didn't really think it would catch on...but it did :( Now they think all Canadians dance like that!! Sorry!!

Our creative welcome sign for our party! Duck tape art!!!!!

Genet, Mass, Me, Omar, Raff, Joel, Lenny, evening at the beach!

Omar - mid-flip

The waves don't look it in this picture but they were huge! And dangerous...

The short haired ladies!!

Joel - mid-dance

Our Social Committee friends...really great guys!

We are so classy we drink beer from cut up water bottles!

Siesta in our villa living room...

The hallway to our rooms...two rooms on the right, one on the left, and a bathroom!

The kitchen! I already miss the fridge.

Welcome to the villa!

Ahhhhh...finally a cold beer!

Saint Louis from the famous Pont Fedherbe

The 'aaah we made it' face on our first morning here...

The 'aaah we made it' face on our first morning here...(more like YEEEAAHH)

The 'aaah we made it' face on our first morning here...

The 'aaah we made it' face on our first morning here...

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