Monday, February 16, 2009

Pictures - from Djodj national park and the beach...

Annie and Ismael - really sweet Guinean who plays in a band on the Island!

The gang on the beach surround by both river and sea!

Me and my lady...some days she is my sister, some days my wife, some days my child...

Sea to the right, River to the left!

We met an American girl (Katherine) who had come all the way from Southern Senegal to see the park. We spent the day with her!

Look closely...there is a BIG monitor lizard looking thing...

Annie and the birds.

Pelican in flight!

PUMBA! There were babies too but mum and dad were a little too protective for us to get close...

Masco et Moi

Aimé and Annie


Pelican nesting spot...mmmm smelly!!

More Pelicans...These birds are HUGE...wing span of 3 meters....

Pelicans flying in the air....

Big birds at the park....don't ask me for scientific names...

Pelican at Djodj National Park!

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