Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished!

I have a place to live. I am staying with a family. It is a big two-storey house. It is a family of 4 that live here (mom, dad, little girl and little boy) plus a visiting niece and an 18-year old son also just visiting.

Plus two French people here in Dakar doing internships and one more empty room that quite possible will be filled by a French couple in a few days.

Feels very nice to have my own space and unpack my suitcase after 2 months of living out of it. I have also started Wolof classes. The teacher is really nice. He is a little scattered but since I have a bit of base, I think it will go well. This week I am not working so I have class almost every day. I think I can learn a lot but we will see how ‘fluent’ I am by the end of the 3 months! Short post this time around. I have made a goal to be better at posting! But no promises…

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