Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Malaga - Day 2

Day 2 in Malaga:

I have succeeded in putting pictures on this computer. Unfortunately the internet is being weird and I cant seem to upload them on this website. I will try again later...they are on the way :)

Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed my roomies returned from their day adventures and I got to meet them. Two of them are sisters from Finland. The older sister is going back to Finland on Thursday and the younger sister is spending the month travelling in Spain and Portugal. The third roomie is from Switzerland and is travelling around in Spain...and has been for a long time.

The sisters from Finland are super nice. We started talking about travelling alone and how hard it was and they invited me to go to the beach with them today. The weather was a bit cloudy (still hot) so we skipped the beach and instead spent the day in Malaga.

We had coffee at a little cafe in a nearby plaza and watched people go by and chatted! Then we went to the local mall so they could do some shopping. Walking back to the hostel again we stopped at a restaurant and ate Tapas. Which is not actually a specific dish but rather refers to eating your meal in several small dishes. Almost as if you are having a bunch of appetizers. It was very tasty and topped off with Sangria it was very nice!

Even though we didn´t do anything to amazing it was nice to be with people. We all really got along and it was a lot of fun!!

I also heard from Annie. She is getting a temporary passport to replace her lost one and will get a proper one in a few months. The temporary one should be good enough to get her down to Senegal. She expects that latest Oct. 9th she will have everything sorted out. That means that on Thursday (I hope) Genet and Annie will come down here to Malaga and we can get started on moving down to Casablance for the 10th or 11th. That way Lenny wont be waiting on her own for too long.

This means that I have booked another night at this hostel (tomorrow night). I was thinking I would leave tomorrow to explore some other city but now that I have met these Finish girls I think I will stay here and likely hit up the beach tomorrow. I think that would be more fun than going to another new city and again not knowing anyone. It feels much nicer to be doing things with people and it feels like I am here with friends!!

So - life is good. I have mildly guilty feelings being here and lounging around with no particular agenda. I need a to do list or something...I feel like I am slacking when really I should just be enjoying the holiday!! Yikes...I hope this isn´t a sign of some greater problem meaning I will never truly be able to relax....I guess I will find out, eh?

More updates to come on what I am doing and where....


Adam said...

I say do your best to relax now; you're in Spain for crying out loud! And soon enough you'll be in school again, so just enjoy the fact that you don't have a to-do list right now.

Maxime said...

Haha seriously making lists is no longer permitted. I'll make an excel spreadsheet for you in the meantime.

Really though, it's fun that you're actually doing nothing, how often in life do you get to say that??! Love it. Jealous!

Misssss you!