Thursday, October 9, 2008


Day...I have lost track...

I may have become permanently stuck in Malaga. Well, not really but it feels like it. This will be my 4th full day. I suppose it is okay but I feel ready to move on...

Which I will be doing...tomorrow. I had a number of options and after much deliberation (and most of you know how bad I am at that) I decided to stay here for one more night. Then tomorrow Maria (the Finnish girl) and I will travel to La Linea. From La Linea we are going to walk across the border to Gibraltar. I really wanted to see it even though I have heard it is not spectacular. It is still kind of a neat place to say I have been. I want to see the monkeys :)

On the same day we will bus to Tarifa, which is the southernmost point in Spain. Apparently the beaches are beautiful and the people super nice. We are going to stay there until Sunday and which point (hopefully) I will meet up with Genet, Annie and Raph in either Tarifa or Algeciras and we will ferry across to Tangiers...bus down to Casablanca and meet Lenny! Finally all five of us will be together and the trip south can begin...

Phew...this seemed to be the best option despite not being able to spend time in Tangiers. Although that just means I have to come back one day :) Oh darn...

Malaga is a really nice place. I think I would come back here and stay longer at some point in my life - perhaps to learn Spanish :) Which I have officially decided I have to do!

I have been spending time at the beach (I even went swimming!), the Picasso Museum (thought there would be more things), visiting the castle (my calves are uber strong now) and enjoying relaxing and sitting on the terrace with a good book! And obviously meeting cool people from all over the world. Hostels are amazing places. What better way to meet people than living with them :)

Hope everyone who reads this is well and good!

More updates and eventually pictures to come...I hope! Really...I do!!


Unknown said...

Sweetie I'm so happy for you! Congrats oh having a plan of action! I'm sure it'll be really nice to start on your trip to Senegal, but look at all the adventures you're having and everything that you're experiencing!
Love you and miss you terribly!

Ole said...

You lost track of time. It took a while but That was good to hear. That's what being on holidays is all about. Schedules will come back soon enough.
I hope the monkeys were still there as they were 35 years ago.
Enjoy, relax, take it all in, and be smart.
Love you, Ole