Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess what? class...what more is there to say?

Woke up this morning and went to class only to find out that the students' bursaries have stopped coming in and so the students are out on the road, blocking it! Hopefully the problem will be resolved quickly or this week will go by without week we have no class (for Tabaski)...then we have one week of class (if Profs show up)...and then it is Christmas break!

The part that worries me about all of this, is that once we get back in January all the profs are going to do a mad scramble to catch-up on the semester and here we will be, totally unprepared for stress and working hard! That is not going to be pretty...

In the meant time though, Wolof courses are going well. Paul is a great teacher and I already feel like I have learned a lot. If all else fails I want to leave this country speaking the language!!

Okay - off to the library to try and learn and study Wolof! More updates and pictures to come...

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Looks like you're having fun, at least! I hope you get more courses in, like you want to!