Saturday, December 6, 2008

Students win!

Strike is over...bursaries have been paid! To most people at least. The first years still have to wait but I guess they have worked something out to appease them somehow.

Thanks to those of you who voiced your concern for me! I am sorry I was out of touch for a bit after sending an message like that...there was actually no other violence after that day. There were two more roadblocks but other then some loud words with angry truck drivers and passers-through no one was hurt and the Gendarmerie stayed away.

There is still a bit of tension on campus because the students are a bit divided on the topic of whose tactics actually solved the problem. Was it the students blocking the road that pushed the Ministry to deliver the payments or was it the Delegates in Dakar having meetings and insisting on immediate payment...

Maybe it was a combination...

Either way - the students have their money and are able to travel home to their regions to celebrate Tabaski! Yeah!

And now I have to go in to town to pick up my Bubu (traditional dress) that I will wear for Tabaski....

More updates later!

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