Saturday, October 4, 2008

Family in Danmark

Sunday morning - departure day. It is the first morning that I have woken up to dark grey skies and rain. I think it is a sign that it is time to move south to sunnier places :)
Today I am flying from Copenhagen to Malaga...with a short 3 hour stop in Barcelona. I would have liked to have prolong the Barcelona stop to a few days, but that didn't quite go as planned. Although, apparently the plan now is that I am catching a bus from Malaga to Granada tomorrow (Monday) to meet Annie and Genet. Raph sent us a note saying she was delayed in her plans and would try to catch us in Morocco! Hopefully that works out! Lenny we are meeting as planned in Casablanca on the 9th.

I don't mind going to Granada...that just means I get to see a bit more of Spain while I am in the region.

My wonderful visit in Denmark finished off nicely with lots of family visiting. I visited my Farmor (grandmother) - which was nice and sad as it usually is. She is 95 and a bit cluttered in her head. She did eat the entire Flødebolle kage that I brought her which is basically whipped cream, with the consistency of melted marshmallows, dipped in chocolate and piled on a cookie dipped in chocolate! WOW it was a lot of sweetness at one time. She enjoyed it though so that was nice...

I then visited with my aunt and uncle for a few days. That is always nice...they feed me lots of good food :) My aunt also took me in to Køge (a nearby town) and we saw some art work in the art gallery...bought some candies (mmm) and went for a nice walk around town. Those of you not familiar with Danmark, small towns are incredible because they have beautiful old buildings, cobble stone roads, tiny alleys and much much more! My uncle and I also went for a beautiful bike ride that included a stretch through the woods!

Saturday was the COUSIN day! We spent HOURS at the science centre (that place is so not just for kids!!). We had yummy thai food for dinner and we chilled at a pub and chatted. All in all a pretty nice, relaxed last full day in the country.

Here are pictures:

My aunt and uncle's flowers!!

Their house from the backyard where all the flowers are....

Me! Jørgen and Grethe (my aunt and uncle)
BUBBLES! They are amazzzing...we went to a bubble show...who knew you could do such cool things with BUBBLES.
The cousins!

Pretty windmills in the water. The cousins (from left to right): Sofie, Jacob, Anders, Asger


Anonymous said...

i like......

Adam said...

Those are some beautiful flowers that Jorgen and Grethe have. The more pictures I see the more I want to be in Denmark too!
It's neat - in the last picture you can see a pretty good resemblance between you and Anders - the Flyng blood kicking in, I suppose. :)

Home said...

Hej Sarah,
Jeg har lige fundet dit blog med billeder. De ligner sig selv de dansker. Var Lene ikke med?
Spamalot was great. The whole evening was great and we met T and K for breakfast today. Jeg skriver mere senere. mom
Adam, if you are checking in here -we don't have your email address. Do you have ours? Drop us a line and let us know how we can contact you.
Merci, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Just googling around, and suddenly I found some very familiar names and faces. Jörgen Flyng is my cousin :0)
I don´t think you and I ever met. And it was a loong time ago I met Ole.
It will be exciting to read about your adventures, Sarah.

Greetings from Sweden
Anita Nielsen Blixt